Here is the presentation that I shared about using location based services (Facebook places, Foursquare) to promote small groups such as the NWA Network Builders BNI group.
Here are some quick tips that came up in the discussion afterwords:
- Pick a location based service that everyone is on. Facebook places is an excellent option since just about everyone has a Facebook account.
- If you don’t own the location where you meet, check into both your groups Facebook place and the physical place where you meet. For example we meet at South Walton Suites in Bentonville so half of us are tasked to check in to the hotel’s location and the other half is tasked to check into the BNI NWA Network Builders location.
- Promote not only your group but also the other members of your group. Tell everyone what is exciting about your group but also about what’s great about the other members as well.
If you think that location based services might be able to help your organization out. Let us know.