Successful Product Launch

Have you ever launched a new product that fizzled rather than sizzled? 

Every company wants a big response when launching a new productOne great way to increase the likelihood of success is to ask your fans and customers what they want. Whether you have physical or information products, let your customers help.

As early as possible in the product design phase, ask your customers for their input. Creating a survey to send your email list is a great way to find out what people really want. Now design your product to match your customer’s actual needs and wants.

Near product launch, create a sense of urgency by sharing on social media that you are making a final decision soon and need their input now. Use product pictures if at all possible. Images stir our emotions and can help create more engagement. Ask for your fans input.

Once you launch your product, make sure to thank them for their input and share your choice. Both you and your customers win.