You’ve Got to Be HUNGRY! for Success

You’ve Got to Be HUNGRY! for Success
As we wind down 2013 and prepare for 2014, mixed feelings may wash over us:
- Did we accomplish our goals for 2013?
- Did we fulfill our passions?
- Did we make a difference?
- What will we do in 2014?
While many say, “Don’t wait for the New Year to start to begin something,” it’s a New Year’s tradition to make plans and goals! The days are growing longer, the calendar changes and we have time off during the holidays to reflect and plan.
Les Brown, motivational speaker, has the signature phrase “You’ve Got to Be HUNGRY!” He declares “it’s better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than it is to have an opportunity and not be prepared.”
We must keep reaching to be better and do better. Sometimes we succeed. Sometimes we fail.
Most importantly, we must follow our passions. That thing that gives us juice to get up in the morning, lights up our eyes when we talk about it and ignites passion in others. You’ve got to be HUNGRY!
Hungry for Success in 2014 and Beyond
Success in business is never guaranteed. Even when we do find success, change forces us to keep us learning and reaching for more. Success is aided by focusing on what excites you most (your passions) and providing as much value as you possibly can.
Passion, Profit and Twinkies™
You have the passion, plan and skills, but do you have the success of which you’ve dreamed? Whether you’re an entrepreneur or intrapreneur, you’ve learned that success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. And now, especially if you’ve been working with us at Blue Zoo Creative, you have a website, social media plan, email marketing and possibly even more. With all the marketing and advertising you’re doing, success HAS to be around the corner, right?

Eric Huber with siblings Amanda Shertzer (co-owner) and Matt Huber (manager) circa 2001 at Vulcan Creative Labs. Click image for larger view.
I’ve been in the entrepreneur world for about 14 years, but creating a business from scratch is a completely different beast. I’m still learning daily. Success has come while presenting in front of business leaders or simply opening a bank account. Failure has come when I’ve missed a client deadline or being alone and broke at the holidays. I don’t dwell on the failures, but learn, modify how I run my business and turn failure into future success.
Speaking of failures and successes, we lost our beloved Twinkies — for awhile. Someone had a passion and figured out the profit part that eluded Hostess. And — BOOM — Twinkies are back on the grocery store shelves!
Measure Your Success and
Profit will Follow
Business success, for our clients and Blue Zoo, includes:
- Solving problems
- Creating innovation
- Hiring and inspiring talented people
- Watching staff leave the next and become bigger and better than ever (yes…that is success!)
- Winning awards from my peers although we don’t participate in competitions
- Watching our team members thrive and grow
- Watching our clients thrive and grow
My personal success includes:
- Supporting my family, friends and community personally, emotionally and financially
- Having time to create
Aim for success beyond money, then you’ll find the darkest nights are still filled with light.
~Eric Huber
If you’re hungry for success, set three big goals for 2014:
- A Personal Goal
- A Career Goal
- A Social Goal
Les Brown says, “Set big goals. People don’t fail because they aim too high and miss. They fail because they aim too low and hit.”
Thanks to all of our clients, friends, readers and followers. Have an amazing holiday season, and we’ll see you in 2014!