Web Analytics and Social Media Presentation

Web Analytics and Social Media Presentation
In February of this year, I gave an extensive seminar on web analytics and social media for the Small Business and Technology Development Center at the University of Arkansas.
In particular, I discussed the pros and cons of Google Analytics, as well as the many practical uses for the huge amount of information gathered through it and other similar programs. For instance, Google Analytics can not only tell you how many visitors you’ve had to your site, but which pages they visited and how long they stayed on those pages. It will also tell you the percentage of visitors who are using their mobile devices to browse your site.
I also discussed social media analytics, and how it can be used to influence your online goals. Google Analytics can track the sources of your visitors and let you know not only whether your social media is being effective, but also when and where people are talking about your organization.
Although we update our presentations with the latest information about our topics that is available, our seminars are also more than just the presentation. A significant part of the seminar uses one of the participants’ business or organization as a case study. Essentially, that business gets an hour’s worth of high level consulting from Blue Zoo Creative for free!
Here is the slideshow that accompanied the seminar; feel free to browse through for information:
Again, we want to thank the ASBTDC for inviting us to present these seminars on a regular basis. ASBTDC is a great resource for small businesses in this area. If you’re a small business that is looking for advice, make sure you check out ASBTDC’s website and see what other seminars are coming up. They cover essential concepts for small businesses, like creating a business plan, legal issues when setting up a business, bookkeeping and ACA issues, as well as other topics like social media and web analytics.
If you have questions about web design, social media or web analytics, please let us know how we can help!