Graco Corporation
Project Team
Account Exec: Mark Cloud
Web Design: Josh Dunaway
Development: Scarlett Isbell
Technology: Collin Condray
Located in Northwest Arkansas and providing custom work for clients all over the world, the GRACO Corporation began operation in Gravette, Arkansas in the present location in March of 1986 with three employees.
Ready to updated their web presence to be more in line with their print branding, to take advantage of new advancements in eCommerce, and to add video to showcase their custom work and process, owner Sue Eaton contacted Blue Zoo Creative to collaborate on the updates.
Besides a responsive website that updated their product line with larger images, details and the ability to leave reviews, we collaborated to create two videos, from a real life example of shooter hitting a sporting clay (on their home page) to a walk-through of how they handle a client’s gun when it comes to their business until it leaves.