by Blue Zoo | Jul 2, 2018
Our Objective for the Arkansas Crisis Center was to create a bright, vibrant, and hopeful brand image that communicated the truth about the organization: they helped people remove the crisis in their life before it became life-threatening and hopeless. It was also important to encourage and excite those interested in volunteering in a way that wasn’t overwhelming.
by Blue Zoo | Feb 27, 2017
A collaborative book project for Pine Hill Ranch with rich photography, custom hand-lettering, energetic content, and a layout that pulls it all together.
by Kelly Haggard Olson | Mar 22, 2016
Blue Zoo recently completed a website rejuvenation for East Harding Construction. East Harding is a well-respected construction company in NW Arkansas, specializing in client-focused work with an emphasis on sustainable design.
by Kelly Haggard Olson | Mar 3, 2016
Blue Zoo created a website design and branding for CYM Group, which included graphics, logos and multiple print materials.
by Kelly Haggard Olson | Feb 29, 2016
Blue Zoo created a rejuvenated website for Burks ADR, including some light copy editing.