Catch the Content Crusade for 2014

Catch the Content Crusade for 2014
Do you know what’s hot and trending for 2014?
Content, and it’s still king! Join the content crusade.
I might sound like a broken record by telling you “Content is King!” post after post, but content really is key to your long term success online. According to, 2013 was the year content marketing went mainstream. Surveys show companies are getting ready to spend more money on content for 2014. I guess they’re realizing what we’ve been saying for the last two years:
[tweetherder]Quality content is the foundation for building your online presence! #contentisking[/tweetherder]
If you want to stay relevant and top of mind for your audience, then you need to get serious about your content marketing for 2014. If you don’t know how to do that, read these 7 tips for building your content or contact team Zoo!
One key factor is to be different in an engaging and creative way. Companies like Coca Cola have mastered the art of creative content that speaks to the hearts of their audience.
Here are the content trends for 2014.
- Video will continue to explode. Right now video is one of the hottest areas within content and social media. Vine is the fastest growing app with 400% growth for 2013. It’s time to dust off those video skills or hire a good video firm.
- Better integration of content with social media, sales, marketing and overall brand strategy. The key to your effectiveness will be having a strategy AND a person, like a Director of Content, to plan, integrate and implement your brand’s strategy.
- The year of small. Small, powerful chunks of content delivered in a strategic way will be key. People’s time and attention are decreasing, so you need to have short, engaging bits of content. Vine, SnapChat, infographics, and Pinterest are good examples of the power in small easily digested information.
- Social media integration. Companies that listen to their audience will win in the marketing game with more engagement, user generated content, sales and brand advocates. Learn how to use hashtags to strengthen the power and reach of your messages.
- Quality over quantity for content. Use great content focused on the wants and needs of your audience. Content will be used more to build audience loyalty and subscription based programs. Long, quality content will still be very valuable, but it needs to be delivered in smaller chunks.
- Mobile content. Over half the searches are now done on mobile devises and Google is factoring mobile more in their rankings. According to the Content Standard, content that is mobile accessible will rank higher with the new Google Hummingbird algorithm.
- Integration of SEO and content. According to Search Engine Watch reports, Google has changed its algorithms to favor sites with relevant content that provides value to users; not merely keyword-rich content. This means it’s very important to know what your audience wants and then give it to them via your content. Find out what they want using search tools, social media listening, and direct audience feedback.
- Email marketing. List building will be the most important goal for smart marketing.
How well you attract, engage and convert your audience will depend on the quality of your content.
Are you ready to join the content crusade in 2014?
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