3 Ways to Make Your Logo Pop!
Article updated August 24, 2018 from the original post on April 12, 2011. In my more than 30 years in design, I've seen a lot of great logos and seen a lot of bad ones. I've created a lot of good ones and a few bad ones in my day as well. One of the most requested...
Does your website comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act?
The Americans With Disability Act requires that all public accommodations provide access to the disabled. Did you know that your website can be seen as a public accommodation? Although there’s no official law requiring sites to be ADA compliant at this time, there...
Blue Zoo Creative Celebrates Ten Years
Blue Zoo Creative celebrated the end of its tenth year in business with an event at their coworking space, The Gallery on Fourth, on October 18th, 2018 with live music, food, and a crowd filled with clients, friends, family, and community leaders.
The Nonprofit Website Challenge
One of our core values at Blue Zoo is encouraging community and connection, and we prioritize working that out through creating branding for nonprofit organizations. We’ve worked with twelve different nonprofits (and counting!) to create unique, effective digital...
Five Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Social Media Marketing Strategy Now More Than Ever
Did you know that 1.13 billion people log on to Facebook every day? Or that YouTube reaches more 18- to 49- year-olds a month than any U.S. cable network? You may find it hard to believe, but these impressive numbers are often not enough to convince small businesses...
How to Optimize a Website Like a Pro
By Jon Trobaugh, SEO Consultant “How do I optimize my website for search engines?” The above is by far the most common question I am asked as an SEO consultant. To those outside the industry, it appears to be a question with a straight forward answer. But in reality,...
Three Content Types You Should Never Gate
Gated content, sometimes referred to as premium content or paywall content, is any collateral that requires a user to give personal information (email address, phone number, etc.) and/or pay a fee to access. Many website owners, especially those in...
Content Blog #3: Invisible Content
In our last post in our series on content, we discussed the surprising number of places content is “hiding” on your website. Today we’re going to address what we call “invisible content,” which is the content that hardly anyone thinks about, but that dramatically...
Content Blog #5: Social Media
Welcome to the fifth and final post of our content series! Our final topic is social media content and why it’s important to help your business. Social media, like blogging, is discussed constantly because of the incredibly important position it rose to in the...