Sometimes it seems like marketing is changing at the speed of light!

online presence management

Digital Marketing!

Blogging, social media, digital marketing, outposts, hubs, email marketing, inbound, outbound…. Just keeping up with the latest buzz words and trends is a full time job. To actually plan and implement relevant marketing strategies may require an online presence expert.

Mark Schaefer is a key influencer in the digital marketing and social media community.

He recently wrote a blog about trends in marketing and what is needed to stay current and relevant. He talks about the 3 types of relationships that brands are building: Celebrity, Influencer and Advocate. Briefly, celebrity is built on fame and large audience, influence is built on quality content, and advocacy is built on passion.

The main point is that marketers need to build relationships rather than strictly promote, buy ads or build content. As a content developer, I know how blogging and content can help build your online presence, along with better relationships. 

According to Mark, the best ways to build relationships are:

  • Build for the long term. Communication can help. Here are 9 Tips for Effective Communication.
  • Maintain consistent connection, without expecting something in return. Blue Zoo offers free Team Tips, newsletters and reports.
  • Connect in person whenever possible. This is why we attend networking events as well as digital marketing.
  • Build partnerships or friendships, not fans or audiences. Truly helping people makes a difference.
  • Make people feel special. Service and kindness go a long way. We make customers king at Blue Zoo.
  • Provide content and services built on trust. High quality and value are 2 great ways to build trust. Meeting client goals and expectations is another great way to build trust.

Blue Zoo has worked hard over the last few years to plan and implement our strategy to be an expert in our field, online presence management.

It is no longer enough to merely create good products and market them. People are now looking for recommendations based on key influencers in the industry, friends, Google search and web content. They want to buy from people they know, like and trust.

Get started on those relationships today!

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