Value Your Color Values!

Value Your Color Values!

Value Your Color Values! Value Your Color Values! Do you know your color values? Unless you are a designer who deals with printing, you might not know the difference between RGB, CMYK and hex color values. If you aren’t a designer at all and you don’t know...

Design as Creative Expression

 Throughout history, artists have been using their creative talents to bring to light issues that might be seen as controversial in the world. Our collective mind is an expression of the human spirit, and we must always find and embrace new ways to release it. –...

Design Beyond the Computer

Design is rapidly moving beyond the computer to a host of mobile devices. Advancements in the capabilities of mobile devices, e-readers and tablets are making it necessary for designers to learn the many evolving platforms that customers use to get information about a...

Everything Communicates: Words.

Fonts. Colors. Images. Words. Everything communicates when it comes to your website, your marketing and your brand. word: A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence. Now, you’re probably...