Off-Site Search Engine Optimization-Basics

In my previous post about on-site SEO, I discussed what you can do on your site to make it more attractive to search engines, but that is only half the story. The other key factor for SEO is what you can do off your website to get noticed by search engines. ...

Search Engine Optimization for Your Website

Search engine optimization (SEO) is very important for attracting new visitors to your site. The way search engines rank your site has changed dramatically over the past few years. If you set your site up more than a couple of years ago with SEO in mind, you might be...

How to Pick A Domain Name

There are two broad tactics on how to pick a domain name. The first approach is you use a name that has one of the keywords that you’re targeting. For example, if you sold widgets, you might try to register, or as...
Friendly Spiders?

Friendly Spiders?

Many people have an aversion to spiders, myself included. Maybe it’s memories, in our ancient lizard brain, of being bitten by poisonous spiders. Interestingly, many native american traditions consider the spider to be a positive sign for creativity and the web...
SEO Basics Seminar Deck

SEO Basics Seminar Deck

This is the presentation that went along with the seminar that I gave on SEO. It showed you how to research your keywords, make your web site search engine friendly, optimize content for your target keywords, and other techniques to get your site noticed by Google and...